Court Country City: British Art 1660-1735 ‘Close Readings’ Conference, Tate Britain

Paper: The City Candidate: Joseph Highmore’s David Le Marchand (1723) and the search for Sir Godfrey Kneller’s heir.

This paper will focus on the portrait of the ivory carver David Le Marchand (National Portrait Gallery) as a means of exploring Highmore’s early City-based practice, and the influence of Sir Godfrey Kneller on his portrait production and career strategy.

Charity on Display: The Foundling Hospital

Charity on Display: The Foundling Hospital and the Arts in the 18th Century. A symposium to coincide with the exhibition ‘Threads of Feeling: The Foundling Hospital’s Textile Tokens 1740-1770’, Foundling Museum.

Paper: ‘The mere relation of the sufferings of others’: Joseph Highmore and the Foundling Hospital.